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Known Issues

No critical known issues known presently.

If you find any issue please report it to the address listed in the imprint.

  • Bug Title.
  • Priority.
  • Platform/Environment.
  • Description.
  • Steps to Reproduce. A minimal example would be perfect. If you are worried to provide an example because of any intellectual property issues consider sending me the example in obfuscated format. The inbuilt state machine editor supports this by setting the configuration parameter EnabledSCXMLObfuscation to yes. If set to yes (default is false) the code generator can generate a xml file with obfuscated state machine information. The state names, entry/action/exit code, event names are all modified in a way that the state machine still works, but no internal information is published. Note that it is possible to generate the XML format used by the built-in editor from all supported UML tools. Don't forget to change back the obfuscation flag aber saving the model in obfuscated format. If you have any doubts contact me first before sending any model file.
  • Expected and Actual Result.
  • Screenshot.
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wiki/issues/known_issues.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/09 19:06 by pmueller

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